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Libraries Course Materials List

A guide for instructors to learn how to manage and edit the Libraries Course Materials tool in Canvas.


Adding Shareable Permalinks to items in your Course Materials Lists is the best practice for including your Course Materials List content in Canvas Courses. It also ensures that the Usage Reports generated by the system will capture all the uses, and not just the ones from students who accessed the readings from the Libraries Course Materials Lists link in the left nav.

Permalinks exist at all levels: at the Materials List level, the Section level, or the Citation/item level. They can be added to any content in your Canvas course (syllabus, pages, assignments, and more).

Shareable Permalinks Items and Sections

Shareable permalinks can be created for individual Items or an entire Section of your list and then added throughout your Canvas course. To create a permalink to a specific citation or section go to the Share icon to the right of a citation or section, and then click Share item, copy shareable link to item.

share button

For an item you will get an item shareable link:

shareable link

For a section you will get a section shareable link:

share section

Then in a content area in Canvas (Page, Assignment, etc.) use the link in the editor to add links to Libraries Course Materials items. The links will link back through your Libraries Course Materials List to show any public notes, online access links, or physical availability to resources on your list as well as to collect the usage for metrics reports on student engagement.

Here is an example of how to integrate Resource Lists links in the flow of your class in Canvas using a Page content type. Blue links in bullets 1-4 are from Libraries Course Materials List permalinks:

Canvas page with Libraries Course Materials links

Shareable Permalinks at the List Level

To create a permalink to your entire list go to the three dot menu or ellipsis to the right of the list title, and then click Create a Shareable Link - To List. 

Libraries Course Materials list permalink


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