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Libraries Course Materials List

A guide for instructors to learn how to manage and edit the Libraries Course Materials tool in Canvas.

Viewing your Libraries Course Materials list as a Student

You can view your list as a student through the Libraries Course Materials list menu. Please note that viewing your Canvas course as a student will not allow you to see the student view of the Libraries Course List.

1.To see you list as a student go to the top right to List info and select the three dot to expand the menu options.

edit list info menu

2. To exit the student view at the top of your list and select the "Back to instructor view" option.

back to instructor view link

University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries
Hours of Operation | Parking Maps | Employment | Support the Libraries
318 Love Library | 13th & R | Lincoln, NE | (402) 472-9568
 @UNLLibraries |  @unl_libraries