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Practicing Pedagogies

The purpose of the series is to help faculty foster a collaborative peer review approach to information literacy instruction and course development.



First Day

Wednesday May 15th, 2019

Backward Design I

From Intuitive to Intentional: Using the Framework to Inform Teaching

Catherine Fraser Riehle (UNL) 
Tammi Owens (UNO) 

How can we shift our teaching practice from intuitive to intentional? What do we want our students to understand or be able to do? In this session, participants will have opportunity to apply the Framework for Information Literacy to their teaching as we introduce the first step of the backward design process: identify desired results.

Backward Design II

Planning for and Collecting Meaningful Data to Make Your Life Easier and Your Teaching Better

Dr. Stephanie Bondi. ( UNL, College of Education and Human Sciences)

Assessment takes too much time” and “People won’t respond with anything meaningful”  are common complaints about assessment. This session will provide tips for how to collect simple meaningful data that will actually leave you with more time for the things you care about all the while increasing what you know about the impact of your educational sessions. We will discuss the process of assessment, how it fits into session design, and some examples of easy ways to collect meaningful data.

Panel Discussion

Towards a More Focused Outreach:connecting with departmental faculty to improve and expand IL instruction.

This panel will share from their experiences and discuss strategies used to network with teaching faculty, find new instruction opportunities, and develop new partnerships across campus. 

  • Teri Hartman (UNMC)
  • Joan Konecky (UNL)
  • Kim Harp (UNMC)
  • Tammi Owens (UNO)
  • Liz Lorang (UNL)
  • Lindsay Brownfield (UNK) - Moderator

Backward Design III

Active—Constructive—Interactive Framework

Dr. Omer Farooq (UNO)

How do we know if students retain the material we teach? This presentation draws from research in educational psychology to design subject-specific information literacy sessions utilizing a hierarchy of learning activities that are active, constructive, and interactive, which substantively improve the likelihood of retention of difficult concepts covered during the session.

Canvas Digital Poster Session

Canvas Integration- the present and the future.

In this session library faculty and staff will share their experiences with Canvas/library integration. Attendees will learn about the nuts and bolts of Canvas integration, the current embedded librarian pilot at UNL, and how librarians at UNMC are using Canvas to integrate their information literacy instruction into courses. 

  • Richard Graham (UNL)
  • Toni Anaya (UNL) 
  • Danielle Drummond (UNMC) 

Second Day

Thursday May 16th 

Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SOTL)

From Irritant to Muse: Reframing Problems of Practice

Dr. Jenelle Reeves (UNL, College of Education and Human Sciences)

Professional educators masterfully work around dilemmas, challenges, and irritants in our practice.  Yet, what would happen if we stopped to more closely examine these problems of practice instead of skirting them?  In this session we will take a systematic approach to investigating problems of our practice, helping us reframe problems as opportunities—for teaching, for scholarship, and for growth. 


Learning Spaces: Understanding students’ needs and preferences

Dr. Erica Defrain (UNL)

Using evidence from a recently concluded mixed methods study examining informal learning spaces at five popular UNL locations, this presentation will go into detail about how students are using these environments, and the implications around teaching and learning. Participants should leave with tips on how to improve learning spaces, and a deeper understanding of how the library can stand out amongst the many similar spaces being built around campuses today.

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