The NSF biographical sketch consists of four sections:
Under Professional Preparation, enter your undergraduate and graduate education and postdoctoral training in chronological order.
Select a radio button for either an academic degree or a training entry. Each selection provides a different set of choices.
In the Appointments and Positions section, list your academic and professional appointments in reverse chronological order. Appointments include any titled academic, professional, or institutional position whether or not remuneration is received, and whether full-time, part-time, or voluntary (including adjunct, visiting, or honorary).
Enter your present and past employment. For multiple entries, click Save & add another entry.
To edit or delete an entry, click Edit entries and click either Delete or edit next to the selected entry. Once you have finished editing, adding, or deleting information, click Done to save your updates.
In SciENcv there is an option to hide entries. If you want to print or share your profile, but only want selective content to be displayed, uncheck the checkbox next to the entry you would like to hide and click Done.
The Products section of the NSF biographical sketch displays citable and accessible publications, data sets, software, patents, and copyrights. (See PAPPG Chapter II.D.2.h(i) for more information about acceptable products). This section uses My Bibliography to manage product information, and it consists of two parts:
Products most closely related to the proposed project (A), where you may add up to five products that are most closely related to the proposed project, and
Other significant products (B), where you may add up to five other significant products, whether or not related to the proposed project.
Click Select citations to add products from your My Bibliography collection, or if not found there, to add citations for your products (see Creating a bibliography). In My Bibliography, the default setting for the Sort by drop-down menu is to list citations by date (newest to oldest). Citations can also be sorted by publication date, update date, author (first listed authors in alphabetical order), or title (alphabetically). An ORCID option is available, which you can use to retrieve citations stored in your ORCID record (C).
If you find that your My Bibliography collection is not up to date and new PubMed citations need to be added, click Add citations (see D above) and enter an author full name, or last name and initials in the search box.
Select the citations you wish to add from the list of retrieved citations and click Add to My Bibliography. The newly added citations will immediately display in the My Bibliography tab. For publications that are not included in PubMed, use the options to add citations using a file, or to add citations manually using My Bibliography templates, click Go to My Bibliography (see E above).
Product citations in the ORCID tab that have an extended list of contributing authors can be amended to reduce the number of authors displayed. Edited citations highlight the authors directly associated to a biographical sketch while helping to reduce the space that citations take in a required two-page biographical sketch. To edit an extended list of contributing authors in a citation, click “Select citations” and select the ORCID tab.
Click the link “Edit authors,” immediately below the citation that you wish to amend. An edit contributors window will display where you can amend the author list.
When your edits are complete, be sure to click Save.
Your edited citations will display in the “Edited” tab.
Edited citations are marked in red in the ORCID tab.
In the Synergistic Activities section of the NSF biographical sketch, list up to five distinct examples that demonstrate the broader impact of the individual’s professional and scholarly activities that focus on the integration and transfer of knowledge as well as its creation. (See PAPPG Chapter II.D.2.h(i) for more information about acceptable products).
Enter each activity in the Add/Edit Synergistic activity window.
To reorganize the order of your listed synergistic activities, or to delete or edit an entry, hover your mouse next to the selected entry and click Move up, Move down, Delete, or Edit.
After the four sections of the NSF biographical sketch are complete and you are ready to download the document , a window will display asking you to agree to the certification statement in order to proceed.