Ask the Interlibrary Loan staff for help. Log into the Delivery/Interlibrary Loan website and directly request the book, article, DVD, etc. that you need.
Or use the options available via Find This for Me to make a request.
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No need to photocopy or scan a copy yourself!
Use the options available via Find This for Me to link from the article record to our document delivery services - either "request delivery" or "Get via Delivery/Interlibrary Loan".
Or contact Delivery/Interlibrary Loan directly and request the article or book chapter.
Libraries' staff will scan the article for you free-of-charge, and send you a link (via email) to the PDF.
Many journals and online indexes provide automated alert options that help you stay current in your areas of interest. Two common alert methods are RSS feeds and email alerts.
Journals - most frequently, you'll be provided with the table of contents of the latest issue. Visit the publisher's website to register.
Online indexes - alerts based on saved search strategies. Alerts arrive when new content, matching your search strategy, is added to the online index.
Titles appear in alphabetical order
Titles appear in alphabetical order