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BIOS 101/110 Labs: Welcome

BIOS 101/110 Labs

BIOS 101/110 Lab Manager:

Morgan Siemek
Office:   Manter Hall 209.1

UNL Libraries Assistance

Research Resources: Use these databases to search for articles on your topic

Multi-disciplinary databases - for research articles from a wide range of disciplines

Other Multi-disciplinary Databases:

Research Resources: Use these databases to search for articles on your topic

Subject specific databases - for research articles from a particular discipline area.

Examples of Subject Focused Databases:

Browse articles in Biological Sciences journals

Research Resources: Google Scholar web search engine

Google Scholar logo

UNL Journals

Journal search 
Search the library catalog for UNL print and ejournal titles.

Interlibrary Loan (ILLiad)
If UNL does not have the journal/article, request it through Interlibrary Loan.

Biological Sciences Research Guide

University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries
Hours of Operation | Parking Maps | Employment | Support the Libraries
318 Love Library | 13th & R | Lincoln, NE | (402) 472-9568
 @UNLLibraries |  @unl_libraries