This is obviously not everything available to you through the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries. But it is a place to start, and if you have specific or further questions, send me an email or schedule an appointment to "meet" with me virtually.
NOTE: The EBSCOhost platform will be migrating to a new interface on June 3, 2025. See a preview.
Journal articles on communication, mass media, linguistics, rhetoric, language, logic, and other closely related fields. (Full-Text and Index)
Consumer behavior database with graphical analysis tools, based on the Fall 2018 NHCS Adult Study (6- and 12-month) and Fall 2018 Simmons Connect Plus datasets. UNL’s subscription provides access to the Crosstab and Quick Report tools. Access is limited to 10 simultaneous users.
Media rates, audience metrics, and demographic information that can be used by students and professionals alike to plan media campaigns and estimate advertising expenditures. The resource allows you to find and compare digital and traditional media across business, consumer, and geographic audiences.
University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries
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318 Love Library | 13th & R | Lincoln, NE | (402) 472-9568