While many of the article are readily accessible through the databases, journal subscriptions and open access web sites, some content is not immediately available. If you come across an article that looks interesting but the entire text is not presented, you can use the Libraries' Delivery/Interlibrary Loan service to request a copy of the article for you.
Here are links to some online journals and trade publications that will contain articles relevant to the things you will be learning about and discussing in this class. The majority of them are paid for and made available to you by the University Libraries, and a few are open source publications that are freely available on the web. Several are publications that are typically available only to dues-paying members of accounting-related professional associations, but they are searchable, and you can request specific articles from them via the Libraries.
Part of a larger full-text database:
These journals are included in a large "aggregator" databases that pull together a number of different magazines and journals and allow you to search across them simultaneously. The links take you to the Publications page for each journal within the larger database. There you have the option to browse the available issues, as well as search for articles on a specific topic/keyword within the journal. The aggregator databases in this list are Business Source Complete and Project Muse.
Abstracts Only:
These journals are searchable in the Business Source Complete database, but you will only be able to read an abstract or summary of the article. To get the complete article text, you will need to request it using the library's Delivery/Interlibrary Loan service.
Stand-alone publication:
These are journals to which we subscribe individually.
These journals are available online to anyone--or rather, some of them are. There are a few others that are available only to dues-paying members of a particular professional association or organization, but you will be able to request these articles by using the library's Delivery/Interlibrary Loan service.
Business Source Complete
You can also find articles related to fraud and internal audits by searching the overall Business Source Complete. Just type in the kewords that describe your topic or issue (e.g., forensic accounting), and BSC will retrieve articles from any of its over 1700 titles.
NOTE: The EBSCOhost platform will be migrating to a new interface on June 3, 2025. See a preview.
Journal and magazine articles on business, marketing, management, accounting, banking, and finance. (Full-Text)
Browzine (for Accounting Journals)
If you want to browse other online accounting journals made available to you by the University Libraries, take a look at this list. You can also jump from there to journals in other areas of business.
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