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Resources to find automotive, electrical, engineering, agricultural, ASTM, and other standards

How to find standards

How to find standards online.

The University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries provides databases for identifying standards.  The following is a list of databases which provide citations to standards.  In these databases, we do not provide access to the full text of individual standards.  If you identify a standard you need that we do not have access to, please contact Nicole Laughlin.

Standards Search Engines

The following free sources assist you in searching worldwide standards.  These sources do not provide full text access to standards.​​

Access to standards.

The Engineering Library has access to the full text of standards within the following engineering databases.  The text is usually available in PDF, will be the latest updated version, and you may download or print the entire text of the standard.

If you need a specific standard you cannot find through the resources listed above please contact Nicole Laughlin.

Email Nicole at with the following information:

1. The  full title of the standard.

2. Include the name of sponsoring agency (i.e. International Standards Organization) or standard number (ISO 9001:2008). 

We will purchase most requested standards and add them to the Engineering Library collection.  We are usually able to obtain the standard within one to two days and we will notify you when received. 

In some cases, the cost of the standard may be prohibitive.  In this case we will work with you to explore alternative sources of information.

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