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Instructions and Troubleshooting for Mendeley: Getting Set Up

A guide to installing and troubleshooting Mendeley

Guide Purpose

Mendeley requires the use of a plugin from the Microsoft app store in order to enable integration of the tools with Microsoft Word. Researchers wishing to use Mendeley with UNL-provided Microsoft Word applications will need to follow the steps outlined on this guide in order to use the citation plugins. The information in this guide covers both the web-based version of Word as well as the installed desktop application.

Before You Begin

The Mendeley plugin requires current versions of Microsoft Word, or they may not install correctlly. If you will be using the Word desktop application, first make sure you have the most current version of Microsoft Office installed and updated. Instructions for downloading and installing Office from the UNL enterprise offering are available from UNL ITS. Please complete this step prior to proceeding.

     Mendeley Reference Manager & Mendeley Cite

Other Tools to Consider

There are other tools for citation management out there besides Mendeley and Zotero. Which one you use is up to you. They all do similar things, just in different ways. Check out these other great tools and get help at University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries:

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