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Science Literacy (SciL): Home

This LibGuide provides information in support of the Research & Poster Development Project requirement for Science Literacy (SciL 101).


Why use the University Libraries (

# 1 -- Save time!

Access quality resources in varied formats

Organized for enhanced, multiple access capabilities

Access to scholarly resources not indexed or available via the Web

Licensed, limited access databases & indexes provided for University of Nebraska-Lincoln students, faculty & staff


While the University Libraries will save you time. Plan ahead!

Research, retrieval, reading, review & writing take time! Start Early!

First Things First

When beginning to use and access the wealth of materials, print & electronic, the University of Nebraska- Lincoln University Libraries provide, there are a couple of actions that are recommended for UNL Faculty, Staff & Students.
First, log into the library catalog with your UNL credentials. Using this you will be able to renew items, keep an inventory of what you have checked out, and see if you have overdue items, fines or fees. Your account access is also what you will use to access license restricted University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries electronic resources (Databases, E-Books, Journal articles) when off campus. Following is a link to a tutorial to take you through the steps of using the library catalog:
Also, you are encouraged to set up your Delivery account.   This service delivers materials to you electronically, or print items to your chosen library location, & will save you time, while expanding the resources available to you. With the University Libraries closed stacks at the Library Depository Retrieval Facility (LDRF), those print materials must be requested and picked up at a library location. The following linked page provides information and the link to setting up your Delivery account:  Create an Interlibrary Loan Account

University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries
Hours of Operation | Parking Maps | Employment | Support the Libraries
318 Love Library | 13th & R | Lincoln, NE | (402) 472-9568
 @UNLLibraries |  @unl_libraries