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Nutrition & Health Sciences Research Guide: Find Articles

The Libraries don't have the item I need...

Ask the Interlibrary Loan staff for help. Log into Delivery/Interlibrary Loan and directly request the book, article, DVD, etc. that you need.

Or use the options available via Find This for Me to link from the item's record to ILLIAD's services.

Never used ILLIAD before? Log into the First Time User's Registration page to set up your account.

It's a print article found in the UNL Libraries...

For print-only journal articles available from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, don't worry about photocopying or scanning.

Contact Delivery/Interlibrary Loan directly and request the article.

Libraries' staff will scan the article for you free-of-charge, and send you a link (via email) to the PDF.

Best Best Research Databases

Because of the interdisciplinary nature of the field, there are a number of research databases that may be useful. Below are some best bets. 

Social Sciences Research Databases

Google Scholar

Use Google Scholar to supplement disciplinary research databases. Use the proxy link provided here, or update your "Library Links" in Google Scholar so you can easily access full-text articles provided by UNL Libraries. You'll be prompted to log-in with UNL credentials. 

University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries
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318 Love Library | 13th & R | Lincoln, NE | (402) 472-9568
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