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A quick reference guide to Mendeley

Why use Mendeley?

Mendeley Reference is a free reference manager that allows you to:

  • Generate citations and bibliographies in Microsoft Word, LibreOffice, and LaTeX.
  • Open PDFs and capture your thoughts through sticky notes and highlights.
  • Import, organize and share citations.
  • Annotate your citations.
  • Access your library on your desktop through Mendeley Reference, or anywhere with Mendeley Web.
  • Import papers and citation information directly from the web.

There is a Word plug-in Mendeley Cite to assist with inserting citations, and a browser plug-in called Mendeley Web Importer to help you import files and generate citations.  Please see the tab for more information on Mendeley Cite. More information on Mendeley Web can be found under the Mendeley Reference Manager tab.

Download Mendeley for Windows Here

Download Mendeley for MacOS  Here

Mendeley Tutorial- GRADCOACH

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Lorna Dawes

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