Getting Started --
First, set up your library accounts using the links below.
Next --
Use the tabs at the top to start finding full text research articles in your subject area. Remember, some of the databases will link directly to the full text, while others require a two-step process:
First search the citation database, pay close attention to the name of the journal, date, and volume of the article you want. Next, from the Libraries's home page select "Databases and Journals" and search for the name of your journal. If University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries have it electronically, it will list how to access the journal. If not; next, search the Library Catalog to see if University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries has the journal in print. If not, request the article through Delivery/Interlibrary Loan.
Finally --
The University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries offer many instructional sessions on a variety of topics. Watch the libraries calendar page, and take advantage of these!
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions, and have a great semester!