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Dance Research: Home

Introduction to basic sources used in dance research.

Welcome to guide on dance research

Welcome to the Dance Research guide. This guide acts as a starting point for your research in dance at the University of Nebraska--Lincoln Libraries. Consult it to learn where to find journals, databases, websites, and other information resources.

How to use this Guide:
Located on the tabs above are different types of resources. Click on a tab and a page appears listing resources about dance on that topic. In the boxes below are some general dance resources that may be useful to you.

If you need help with your research you can send me an email or come by my office. I am happy to help!

Check out the University Libraries' web page:

Streaming video and audio

Encyclopedias and dictionaries in dance

International encyclopedia of dance : a project of Dance Perspectives Foundation, Inc. / founding editor, Selma Jeanne Cohen ; area editors, George Dorris ... [et al.] ; consultants, Thomas F. Kelly ... [et al.]  Oxford University Press, 1998.  6 volumes. 

LOVE REF GV1585 .I586 1998


International dictionary of ballet / editor, Martha Bremser ; assistant editor, Larraine Nicholas ; picture editor, Leanda Shrimpton.  Detroit : St. James Press, 1993.  2 volumes. 

LOVE REF GV1585 .I57 1993


International dictionary of modern dance / with a preface by Don McDonagh ; editor, Taryn Benbow-Pfalzgraf ; contributing editor, Glynis Benbow-Niemier.  Detroit : St. James Press, c1998. 

LOVE GV1585.B46 1998


Video dictionary of classical ballet [videorecording] / produced in association with the Metropolitan Opera Guild ; produced and directed by Robert Beck ; writer/researcher Mara Peets.  [United States] : Kultur, 2003.  2 videodiscs. 

LOVE DVD GV1585.V534 2003

Online resources in dance

Call numbers in dance

To browse the shelves in the library, go to call number GV1580 through GV1799.4.  You will find dance resources under these call numbers in

  • Love Library's reference collection (reference books)
  • Love Library's book stacks (books and journals)
  • Love Library's multimedia collection (videos and DVDs)
  • The Music Library's collection (books and multimedia on the subject of music and dance)

Materials on dance can be found in other call number areas too.  Use the catalog and databases for a more thorough search.

Dissertations and theses

Tutorials and other help

Below are listed some tutorials that may be of use to you.  Caution: Some tutorials are from other institutions and may include information specific to that institution.

Teaching Contact: Humanities Librarian

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Janel Simons
UNL Libraries is here to support your research and learning needs - please contact me for help.

Collections Contact: Chair, Collections Strategy & Open Scholarship

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Melissa Gomis
UNL Libraries is here to support your research and learning needs - please contact me for help.
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