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SciPop: Where Science Intersects Pop Culture

A series of talks about science in movies, books, and games.

Comic Book Physics 101: Marvel, DC & Metallurgy

Four building blocks that are labeled like elements on the periodic table. The blocks say "vibranium," "adamntium," "kryptonium," and "Nth metal." The first three are stacked up while the Nth metal block is rising upward on a cloud.

Marvel, DC & Metallurgy


Title: Comic Book Physics 101: Marvel, DC & Metallurgy

Speaker: Dan Claes​

When: March 6, 7:00pm

Location: Love Library South 221 (Peterson Room)

Description: Adamantium, Kryptonium, Nth Metal, Vibranium... do real-life elements behave this way? What about super materials? Find out March 6!

Dan Claes Dan Claes is a professor and the Department Chair of UNL's Department of Physics and Astronomy.


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