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Technical Writing

A guide to assist students in doing library research for technical writing.

Library Catalog Searching

The search box for the library catalog is the Quick Search box on the main page of the Libraries' web site.

Books are typically on broader topics, so library catalog searches are simpler than article database searches.  Adding too many search terms may greatly limit the results that you get.  Remember that you will probably need to look at the book's table of contents or index to see if it will be relevant to your topic.

Remember to take a look at the listed contents (when available) to see if the book might be of interest:


Accessing Books

Some of the books in our collection are e-books and will have a link to the book content in the catalog record.

For books that are available only in traditional print format, you will need to request them.  (In non-COVID times you would be able to go and get the book off the shelf yourself, but currently our collections are closed to the public.)  The book will be pulled, and you will be notified by email to make an appointment to come and pick up the item.  You will request the book using the Delivery/Interlibrary Loan request form (via the 'Find This for Me' link/button.)

University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries
Hours of Operation | Parking Maps | Employment | Support the Libraries
318 Love Library | 13th & R | Lincoln, NE | (402) 472-9568
 @UNLLibraries |  @unl_libraries