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Technical Writing

A guide to assist students in doing library research for technical writing.

Scholarly Publications

A scholarly article is also referred to as a research or academic article.  Scholarly articles are published in academic journals.  A scholarly article is written by a researcher who is an expert in a particular field and who is sharing the results of original research.

Many (but not all) scholarly articles are published in peer-reviewed journals.  A peer-reviewed journal has an editorial review board, made up other experts in that field, who evaluate submitted manuscripts for quality of research and contributions to knowledge.  The reviewers often come back to the author of the manuscript with questions or suggestions for changes.  In the end, the reviewers recommend whether or not the manuscript should be published in the journal.  (Sounds stressful, doesn't it??)  The peer review process is intended to assess the validity, quality, originality of articles while filtering out invalid or low quality articles.

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