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Art and Art History: Home

A brief introduction to resources for those researching topics in Art and Art History.

Getting Started

Getting started in the Library

Love Library has an extensive collection of art books, many of which are shelved on the second floor of Love North in the ā€œNā€ section of the Library of Congress classified materials.  However, there are other subject areas that may pertain to your research needs. Some other call numbers may be of interest and worth browsing. Their respective sections include:

N--Visual Arts (General)
NC--Illustration, Design, Drawing
NK--Decorative Arts, Applied Arts
NX--Arts in General

Because many art books are oversized, remember to check the OVERSIZE and Folio areas at the end of each call number sections.

Encyclopedias, Dictionaries, and Handbooks 

Contemporary artists
Love Visual Arts Ref N6490 C6567 2002

Encyclopedia of world art
Love Storage (basement of Love Library) N31 E4833

Oxford dictionary of art and artists
Love Visual Arts Ref N33 .O93 2009 

Biographical Dictionaries

E. Benezit. Dictionary of artists (formerly titled Dictionnaire critique et documentaire des peintres, sculpteurs, dessinateurs et graveurs de tous les temps et de tous les pays) 
Love Visual Arts Ref N40 D5213 2006

Who's who in American art (1936- 1980) 
Love Storage N6536 W5

World artists 1980-1990 : an H.W. Wilson biographical dictionary
Love Visual Arts Ref N6489 W67 1991

Mantle Fielding's dictionary of American painters, sculptors & engravers
Love Visual Arts Ref N6536 F5 1986

Peer Reviewed Literature VS Popular Literature

Defining"Peer Reviewed":
A scholarly journal is is only peer-reviewed (also called "Refereed"), when all articles submitted for publication have gone through a rigorous editorial process.  To ensure that each article meets the highest standards of scholarship, it is typically evaluated by the editor(s) of the journal who then enlists the services of other scholars in the same field as the manuscript's author--hence, "peer". This peer-review process is sometimes called "external review."  These peer scholars offer their view on the quality of the article and its research.There are many criteria for judgement and the exact peer-review process will vary between publishers. 

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