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Architecture and Interior Design: Home

Finding and using resources in Architecture and Interior Design


Welcome to the Architecture Library.  We are a branch of the University Libraries system.  In addition to Architecture, the collection here also focuses on Landscape Architecture, Interior Design, and Community and Regional Planning.  We are open to all University of Nebraska-Lincoln students and faculty.

Staff at Architecture Library are here to serve YOU!  Please don’t hesitate to ask for assistance. We can help you locate materials you need for your projects and research assignments.  We also can guide you to images you can use to illustrate your ideas and enhance your work.

See our web page for information on hours, contact information, etc.

University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries
Hours of Operation | Parking Maps | Employment | Support the Libraries
318 Love Library | 13th & R | Lincoln, NE | (402) 472-9568
 @UNLLibraries |  @unl_libraries