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Diversity Libguide

Resources for studying diversity topics at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

Why disability studies?

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), about 25% of Americans have a disability that impacts major life activities, and the incidence increases to 40% for Americans over the age of 65. Disability studies is an interdisciplinary and intersectional field, involving health care, sociology, gender, race, income, and many other factors.

Library databases and ebooks

Nebraska disability resources


Websites dedicated to specific conditions:


This just a small fraction of our books! Search the library catalog for specific topics or titles.

Many books about disability studies are shelved under the call number HV1568, which can be found on floor 1A in Love Library South.

University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries
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318 Love Library | 13th & R | Lincoln, NE | (402) 472-9568
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