These massive collections includes many, but not all of the State Papers; therefore, you may wish to consult the following resources as well.
To learn about the contents of the various Calendars of State Papers as far back as the 13th century up through the early 18th century, you will find useful online indexing through the public access version of British History Online's Guides and Calendars.
You can search the indexing for many of the Calendars through British History Online, although you cannot access their "premium content" without paying a modest fee. However, it is well worth noting that many of the full text volumes are actually freely available online or in print at University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
Love Library owns many volumes of publications from Great Britain’s Public Record Office. To see a complete list of print titles available at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, do an Author search in the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Catalog for Great Britain. Public Record Office.
When you are in a catalog record, scroll to the bottom right and there may a link to HathiTrust; even if there is no link in the catalog, for works published prior to 1924, you may be able to access the content online directly via HathiTrust or the Internet Archive.