Note: All content previously hosted on Artstor is now available on the JSTOR platform.
Images of visual media from the world's leading museums, photo archives, scholars, and artists. (Images)
Print Sets or Series of both primary and secondary works, held all or in part by the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries
Acta sanctorum quotquot toto orbe coluntur... LOVE Oversize BX4655 .A2 volumes 1 through 63, plus Supplement
Albertus Magnus. Opera omnia ad fidem codicum manuscriptorum edenda... [Works. 1951] LOVE Folio BX890 .A4 1951 multiple volumes, not complete
Alcuin Club collections. Each volume is separately cataloged and classified.
[Altniederländische Malerei. English] Early Netherlandish painting. UNL has some, but not all volumes.
AMS Studies in the Middle Ages UNL has some, but not all volumes.
Analecta hymnica medii aevi. MUSIC Ref BV468 .A6 1961x Multiple volumes.
Ancient Christian Writers. LOVE BR60 .A35 UNL has many volumes.
Anglo-Norman texts. LOVE PQ1301 .A6 UNL has many volumes.
Anglo-Saxon poetic records. UNL has several volumes, which are separately classed.
Annales De La Typographie Neerlandaise Au Xve Siecle
[The above section is under development.]
Microform Collections Available for Use in Love Library
Microforms are housed in Love North Lower Level, in the southwest quadrant. Ask library staff for directions. Microform reader-scanners are located in the Link, Love Library 2nd floor.
Decimal index of the art of the Low Countries : D.I.A.L
LOVE Mcard MCARD B 7 guide
Decimal index of the art of the Low Countries [picture]
LOVE Mcard B7 [microcard reproductions of the art]
Books Published in Europe before 1601/1701
The Libraries provide several microfilm collections of books published before 1601 or 1701. Records for individual titles in these collections may be found in the UNL Libraries catalog, as well as through WorldCat. I would recommend using WorldCat to perform your searches, because you have greater flexibility in accessing relevant works. Example: a catalog search in German Books Before 1601 for works on Turkey resulted in no returns, but the same search in WorldCat identified nine entries.
Books Printed in the Low Countries Before 1601 [1701 from reel 456 on.] LOVE Mfilm Z2402 B6.
French Books Before 1601. LOVE Mfilm Z2162 F7.
German Books Before 1601. LOVE Mfilm Z2222 G4.
Hispanic Culture Series. Books Before 1601. LOVE Mfilm Z2682 H5.
Italian Books Before 1601. LOVE Mfilm Z2342 I8.
Scandinavian Culture Series. LOVE Mfilm Z2601 .S32. The Libraries own 356 reels. The Center for Research Libraries has additional reels not held by University of Nebraska-Lincoln; request them through Delivery / Interlibrary Loan.
General note: The UNL Libraries have thousands of plays from England in the microprint collection, Three Centuries of Drama: English, but few of them are listed in the library catalog. Many of the plays are available online through resources such as Early English Books Online (EEBO), Eighteenth Century Collections Online (ECCO), Nineteenth Century Collections Online (NCCO), or HathiTrust, but the cautious researcher will consult WorldCat as well, because it contains records for individual plays within the big microform sets. If you would like assistance, please contact Kathy Johnson September 2016.
Three Centuries of Drama: English covers 1500-1800. LOVE Mprint B4
This set consists of plays in 22 boxes. Plays are filed by last name of the playwright and then by title. Equipment is available to create PDFs of the plays. Ask library staff for assistance.
Boxes 1-4 contain Three Centuries of Drama. English. 1500-1641.
Boxes 5-8 contain Three Centuries of Drama. English. 1642-1700.
Boxes 9-10 contain Three Centuries of Drama. Larpent Collection. English 1701-1750 1751-1800
Boxes 11-13 contain Three Centuries of Drama. English. 1701-1750
Boxes 14-22 contain Three Centuries of Drama. English. 1751-1800
Note that University of Nebraska-Lincoln's Quick Search does NOT include records for individual titles within this set. If you want to explore the list of titles, take a look at the records in WorldCat. Look for three centuries of drama as a series title search, Or, if you prefer to use a print guide, consult the Bergquist volume noted here:
Bergquist, G. William. Includes Wells, Henry W. (Henry Willis), 1895-1978. Three centuries of drama. (Indexes)
Three centuries of English and American plays, a checklist. England: 1500-1800, United States: 1714-1830
New York, Readex Microprint Corp., 1963
LOVE Storage Z2014.D7 B45
"Originally compiled to serve as an index to the contents of the Microprint edition of the Three centuries of English and American plays [edited by H. W. Wells]"
Steps for locating either a specific playwright or play:
1. I would recommend searching for your playwright or play in WorldCat, to see what is cataloged and in HathiTrust as well. With WorldCat and HathiTrust, you can search for keywords in titles of plays and you can also search by publication dates. Many of these plays may also show up in Early English Books Online, Eighteenth Century Collections Online, Nineteenth Century Collections Online, or HathiTrust, but, there may be some plays in this set that are not available electronically.
2. If it appears that your play or playwright is not included in any of the online resources, but you found a record for it in WorldCat for Three Centuries of Drama: English, 1500-1800, then your next step is to go to Love North Lower Level. The North Lower Level has two sections: books shelves for the P-PZ4 print collection and the walled off Love Storage area in the southwest quadrant of the space. The door into Love Storage is near the west elevator in Love North Lower Level. Or, you can go to Love South Lower Level and in the northwest area, there is a hallway that takes you directly to the microform shelving area.
These boxes of plays are shelved in Love Storage. Plays are filed alphabetically by author within the boxes. Plays are alphabetized by title within the authors’ names. If you remove a card from the box, please place a marker in the space where the card came from. You can read or scan the plays on the second floor in Media Services, The Link, Love Library. When you finish using the microprint, return the card to Love South First Floor AskUs Desk. Or take it back to Love Storage and place it in a reshelving box.
Source Materials in the Field of Theatre
Ann Arbor, Mich. : University Microfilms, 1956
LOVE Mfilm MFILM B 1575 Ask library staff for assistance in retrieving these.
22 reels ; 35 mm
Comprises 135 vols., some illustrated
Most of the titles in this set appear to be listed in the University of Nebraska-Lincoln catalog, but it would probably be wise to consult WorldCat first. If you prefer to consult the print guide, see entry below.
Source materials in the field of theatre: an annotated bibliography and subject index to the microfilm collection / by Vincent L. Angotti. Ann Arbor, Mich., XEROX, Education Division, University Microfilms Library Services [1967]
LOVE Storage Z5781 .A57
Page revised January 2019.