Cathedrals England
Cathedrals France
English drama -- Medieval
English Drama Early Modern And Elizabethan 1500 1600
English Poetry Early Modern 1500 1700
Europe History 1517-1648
Great Britain -- Church history -- Sources
Great Britain -- Constitutional history -- Sources
Great Britain -- History -- 13th century
Great Britain -- History -- Sources
Great Britain History Lancaster and York, 1399-1485
Great Britain History Tudors, 1485-1603
Great Britain History Stuarts, 1603-1714
Great Britain -- History -- To 1485 -- Historiography
Great Britain -- Politics and government -- 1154-1399
Shakespeare William 1564 1616
Sidney Philip Sir 1554 1586
Spenser Edmund 1552 1599
Florence (Italy) -- History -- 1421-1737
Italy -- Social life and customs -- To 1500
Leonardo, Da Vinci -- 1452 - 1519
Medici, Cosimo de', 1389-1464
Renaissance -- Italy
Music, 500-1400
Music, 15th century
Music, 16th century
Music, 17th century
Painting, medieval
Painting, renaissance
Luther, Martin 1483 1546
Akbar Emperor Of Hindustan 1542 1605
India History 1000 1526
India History 1000 1765
India History 1526 1765
Mogul Empire
Shahjahan, Emperor of India, ca. 1592-1666
A comprehensive catalog of materials currently available in libraries worldwide. Includes books, internet resources, journals, conference papers, maps, manuscripts, music scores, sound recordings, and video recordings. Items found in WorldCat can be requested through the UNL Libraries Delivery/Interlibrary Loan service. (Index)
Early printed books are generally not available through interlibrary loan; however, many early works are available for loan on microfilm or as reprints or via HathiTrust or the Internet Archive.
Although nearly all the entries in the National Union Catalog, Pre-1956 Imprints, listed below, are included in WorldCat, the very thorough searcher may also wish to look at:
American Library Association. Committee on Resources of American Libraries. National Union Catalog Subcommittee, and Library of Congress. The National Union Catalog, Pre-1956 Imprints: a Cumulative Author List Representing Library of Congress Printed Cards And Titles Reported by Other American Libraries. London: Mansell, 1968-1981. 754 volumes.
Although much of the content from the printed catalogues listed below is included in Library Hub Discover, the thorough researcher may also wish to consult these printed catalogs of older works.
British Museum. Dept. of Printed Books. General catalogue of printed books. Photolithographic edition to 1955. 263 volumes. Request PDFs of pages containing needed terms or entire volumes through your "Delivery" (interlibrary loan account). [LDRF Z921 .B872]
Supplements in five or ten year increments are available. through the UNL Libraries.
Z921 .B872 : DOCS Facility Folio, LDRF ; General catalogue of printed books. Ten-year supplement, 1956-1965. 50 vols.
Z921 .B873 : DOCS Facility Folio; General catalogue of printed books : five year supplement, 1966-1970. 26 vols.
Z921 .B874x : DOCS Facility ; General catalogue of printed books : five-year supplement, 1971-1975. 2 vols.
Z921 .B874 1982x : Love Library Mfiche; General catalogue of printed books, 1976-1982 [microform]