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Religious Studies

General Religion Reference Sources

Full-text Resources for Religious Studies

You can access a large number of databases containing citations to articles and sometimes the full text of those articles  through the  University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries eResources page.  Click on the "eResources & Collections" link on the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries home page  to get to the eResources page.

Using WorldCat

WorldCat contains citations to the collections of tens of thousands of libraries around the world. WorldCat is linked from the E-Resources page which is linked from a tab on the University Libraries home page.

A search results in a list of citations.  Items available in the University Libraries are indicated with  UNIV OF NEBRASKA AT LINCOLN notes.  To find the University of Nebraska-Lincoln call number. Click on the "Libraries Worldwide" link and then click on the  "UNIV OF NEBRASKA AT LINCOLN" to get to the the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries catalog record.

Using Citations You Find

When you find a useful citation, click on the title to see the detailed record. Icons in the upper, lefthand part of the screen will let you email it to yourself, print it, or export it to RefWorks.  If you want to see how the book is cited using various style guides, click on the "Cite This Item" link near the center of the record.

Delivery/Interlibrary Loan (ILL)

You can request to borrow a book using the "Request via ILL (ILLiad)" link in a record in WorldCat.  If you make an ILL request through the link in WorldCat, the ILL form will be populated automatically -- you only need to confirm that you actually want to borrow the book.   If  have any questions or problems related to ILL, contact the Delivery/Interlibrary Loan Office at

*NOTE:  A free version of WorldCat is available at  If you use that version, however, you cannot make Interlibrary Loan requests as easily. Also, it has less complete information than the full version available through the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries website.

Searching the Library Catalog and Encore

The library catalog is an index of books, journals, sound recordings, microforms, videos, etc., that are in the library collection. It includes electronic materials (e-books, electronic journals, dissertations, and so on). You can limit your search in a number of ways, including by language. Go to the link below and choose "Limit by Language." Highlight the language(s) you would like to limit by, and then type your search terms into the fields at the top of the page. You can limit to English, French, Spanish, German, Czech, Russian, Chinese, and a number of other languages. 

University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries Advanced Search

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