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Company and Industry Information Resources: Services for Students


RefWorks is just one of the web-based bibliographic reference managers free for University of Nebraska-Lincoln students to use. RefWorks:    

  • Is accessible from on or off campus.
  • Helps you create bibliographies for your papers.
  • Automatically formats your citations or references in MLA, APA, and other styles.
  • Creates a personal collection of reference sources.
  • Organizes and manages your citations.
  • Imports article citations from databases, such as Academic Search Premier, ERIC, Agricola & APA PsycInfo.
  • Allows you to share references with groups, classmates and colleagues.
  • Uses the Write-N-Cite utility to pull citations into your paper as you type.
  • Uses the Ref-Grab-It utility to pull citation information from websites and blogs.

To find out more about RefWorks and other bibliographic reference manager tools, go to

Interlibrary Loan (ILLiad)

Delivery/Interlibrary Loan allows library users to obtain articles and books.  Articles are delivered online, usually within a day or two. To sign up for a Delivery/Interlibrary Loan account, go to:

Login to Delivery/Interlibrary Loan

Click on "Create an Account".

Then choose the "First time user" link.  Follow the links to the registration form and fill it out.

If you are a distance education student, be sure to declare your status as a "Distance Ed Grad" student, include a good snail-mail address, and give "Remote Delivery" as your Loan Delivery Location when you fill out the registration form. That will make your status clear to the Delivery/Interlibrary Loan Office. If you have any questions or problems related to Delivery/Interlibrary Loan, contact their office at

Subject Librarians

Librarians have lots of experience helping library users find useful library resources. They are skilled in devising research strategies.  If you are beginning a research project or if you are stuck, don't hesitate to contact a librarian at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries. 

You can direct your questions to the library through the links below:

Subject Guide

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Signe Boudreau
Love Library
(402) 472-9347
University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries
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318 Love Library | 13th & R | Lincoln, NE | (402) 472-9568
 @UNLLibraries |  @unl_libraries