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University of Nebraska-Lincoln: Songs


“"There is No Place Like Nebraska" lyrics by Harry L. Pecha

There is no place like Nebraska
Dear old Nebraska U.
Where the girls are the fairest,
The boys are the squarest
Of any old school that I knew.
There is no place like Nebraska,
Where they're all true blue.
We'll all stick together,
In all kinds of weather,
For dear old Nebraska U.

"Hail Varsity" lyrics by W. Joyce Ayers

Hail to the team
The stadium rings as everyone sings the scarlet and cream.
Cheers for a victory.
Echo our loyalty.
So on mighty men.
The eyes of the land upon every hand are looking at you.
Fight on to victory.
Hail to the team of Nebraska U.

The above lyrics from American College Regalia: A Handbook, compiled by Linda Sparks and Bruce Emerton (Love Ref LB3630 S64 1988).

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