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Government Documents: Information for Selective Libraries: Nebraska State Plan for the Federal Depository Library Program

Federal Depository Library

The University of Nebraska - Lincoln Libraries are a Congressionally designated depository for U.S. Government documents. Public access to Government documents is guaranteed by public law (Title 44 U.S.C.).



The federal depository libraries of Nebraska are part of the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP) providing access to federal government information for the citizens of Nebraska.

Congress established the FDLP to help fulfill its responsibilities to inform the public of the policies and activities of the federal government. This program is based upon three principles:

  • All government information shall be made available to depository libraries, with certain specified exceptions
  • Depository libraries shall be located in each Congressional district in order to make government information widely available
  • This government information, in all formats, shall be available for the use of the general public for no fee

Chapter 19 of Title 44, U.S. Code is the authority for the establishment and operation of the Depository Program. 

The most recent changes in the limited distribution of print materials implementend in February of 2024 emphasizes digital distribution of information.  Guidelines expressed here should be interpreted to focus on the care, collection and access to print materials as well as the curation and access of digital content.

The Nebraska State Plan for Federal Depositories is developed in accordance with the guidelines of the Federal Depository Library Program of the U.S. Government Publishing Office (GPO).  Pursuant to those guidelines, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries are officially recognized as the Regional Depository Library of the state.  The role of the Regional Depository is to assist the depository libraries of the state in purposeful collection development, provision of services and supervising the discard list process

This 2024 guide supersedes previously published Nebraska State Plans for the coordination of Federal Depository Libraries within the state.  This plan should be used in conjunction with the Legal Requirements and Program Regulations of the Federal Depository Library Program and is a supplement, not a replacement for any information contained in the FDLP documentation.  GPO instructions and required procedures, as well as relevant statutory provisions, always take precedence over the plan.

The State Plan should be reviewed at least every five years to ensure it is accurate and useful to member institutions.

Federal Depository Libraries for Nebraska

The Regional Depository for Nebraska is located at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

A complete list and information about the depositories within the state can be found by consulting the Nebraska Library Commission's Nebraska Federal Depository Libraries and Staff directory.

See also:

Collection Development

To ensure that a complete body of federal information is accessible to all residents of Nebraska through the acquisition and development of current and retrospective collections in all applicable formats.

Each Depository library will accept the responsibility to:

  • Maintain access to the Core U.S. Government resources held in the Basic Collection Titles.
  • Acquire government information that is appropriate for the goals and objectives of the library and that meets the needs of its Congressional District, the local population, and non-depository libraries in its area.
  • Create a published collection development policy as a component of the overall library collection development policy.
  • Participate in cooperative agreements or selective housing arrangements when appropriate.
  • Review item selections and weeding/disposal policies on a continuing basis, recognizing the enduring value of historic print collections.
  • Recommend tools for acquisition that will strengthen and improve access to the Federal depository collection.
  • Selective depositories wishing to dispose of such documents will follow the guidelines set forth by the FDLP in the handling and disposition of this government property.

The Regional Depository will, in addition, accept the responsibility to:

  • Maintain a complete collection of documents distributed through the FDLP, in accordance with GPO requirements.
  • Coordinate disposal of physical documents by Selective Depositories in the state.
  • Acquire commercially produced and non-depository publications that would improve access to the federal information collection.

Bibliographic Control

To ensure that each depository maintains a clear, current, and accurate record of depository holdings (in any format) in order to make identification, access and retrieval as efficient as possible.


Each Depository library will accept the responsibility to:

  • Maintain a current, accurate record of its depository holdings that indicates the physical location of each document.
  • Provide bibliographic control for documents that is equal to that of other comparable library materials.
  • Build and maintain a core print and/or online reference collection of depository and commercial catalogs, indexes, and directories sufficient to meet local user needs.
  • Develop workable and efficient procedures to ensure that newly received materials are processed and available for use in a timely manner.
  • Make use of available electronic tools as needed to improve efficiency of processing procedures.
  • Evaluate options to acquire GPO catalog records as a means of improving access to government documents via the library's OPAC.
  • Incorporate links into library catalogs when possible, highlighting (at minimum) the Basic Collection.

The Regional Depository will, in addition, accept the responsibility to:

  • Develop and expand awareness of changes, tools, and procedures across the depository community.

Quality of Service and Resource Sharing

To insure free public access and the highest quality service for accessing federal government information to the citizens of Nebraska.

Each Depository library will accept the responsibility to:

  • Answer questions from the general public.
  • Make depository collections available through interlibrary loan, using the same standards as other library materials.
  • Provide sufficient personnel to deliver effective reference assistance.
  • Encourage participation in government information-related continuing education programs by the depository and non-depository library staff.
  • Provide service to the depository collection that is comparable to service given to other library materials.
  • Include access to government information in the library's pertinent service documents, such as Service Policies, Internet Use Policy, and Strategic Plan.
  • Make documents collections and reference services available to all users during the same hours that other collections and services are available.

The Regional Depository will, in addition, accept the responsibility to:

  • Provide statewide reference services, and retain a complete retrospective documents collection in accordance with GPO requirements in all formats, suitable for use by libraries.
  • Encourage communications between the Regional Depository and other depositories.
  • Provide duplication service, both for interlibrary loan and for replacement of lost or damaged materials.
  • Facilitate training and continuing education in the access to and use of federal government resources.
  • Provide help and training for library staff newly assigned to administer depository collections.

Public Relations

To increase public awareness of the availability and usefulness of federal government information.

Each Depository library will accept the responsibility to:

  • Investigate all appropriate methods of publicizing government information and develop good public relations. This can include, but is not limited to, displays, brochures, customer training, web sites, regular contacts with library administration, local government authorities, etc.
  • Initiate and maintain contact with non-depository libraries and other groups in its service area to increase awareness of federal government information.

The Regional Depository will, in addition, accept the responsibility to:

  • Support the efforts of Selective Depositories to increase the public's knowledge of documents and services available through the Federal Depository Library Program.
  • Do statewide marketing.

Preservation and Contigency Planning


To preserve the depository collections in the state of Nebraska and ensure permanent public access to Federal government information.


Each depository library is encouraged to:

  • Include depository collections in their library's preservation policy.
  • Have a disaster/contingency plan equivalent to that for other library collections that addresses the needs of the Federal depository collections during times of service interruptions, natural disasters, network failures, etc.
  • Participate in national and statewide projects for the archiving  and digitizing of government information.

In addition, Regional Depositories are encouraged to:

  • Coordinate statewide projects for digitizing government resources.
  • Coordinate statewide projects for archiving electronic government information.
  • Advocate for the inclusion of government information in other statewide digitization or electronic archival projects.
  • Coordinate access to and storage of outdated electronic government information resources that are no longer usable on current computer operating systems.

Contact Us

302 Love Library South
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Lincoln, NE 68588-4100


Linda Novotny
Documents Specialist

Ana Gomez
Documents Associate

Michael Straatmann
Associate Director
Collection Management 

University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries
Hours of Operation | Parking Maps | Employment | Support the Libraries
318 Love Library | 13th & R | Lincoln, NE | (402) 472-9568
 @UNLLibraries |  @unl_libraries