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Government Documents: Information for Selective Libraries: Discard Procedures for Selectives

Federal Depository Library

The University of Nebraska - Lincoln Libraries are a Congressionally designated depository for U.S. Government documents. Public access to Government documents is guaranteed by public law (Title 44 U.S.C.).


FDLP eXchange and GPO Needs

FDLP eXchange provides libraries in the Federal Depository Library Program with a one-stop-shop for the entire needs and offers process.  FDLP eXchange is currently used in Nebraska only after Regional and Selective review.

Discard Procedures

The following discard procedures are intended to facilitate discarding unwanted U.S. depository materials by Selective depositories served by the University of Nebraska - Lincoln Regional Depository. 

Discard lists provide other libraries with an opportunity to fill in gaps in existing collections, for retrospective collection development, and to replace missing items.

Discard Procedures

Discard List Procedures

Selective depositories in Nebraska are to send their discard lists electronically to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.  The Selective libraries are encouraged to submit their lists in either .csv or .xls format.  Lists should be sent via email to as a file attachment. 

University of Nebraska-Lincoln staff will post list contents on the Regional Depository LibGuide at: in the "Regional Depository Review" section.  University of Nebraska-Lincoln documents staff will examine each list, identify the pieces (if any) that the Regional requests and communicate to the Selective about transferring the selected materials. The time required for this process will vary based on the volume of materials submitted for review and staff availability.

After review, UNL staff will move the emended list to the "Selective Depository Review" section of the LibGuide.   The selective libraries within the state will be informed of the availability of materials and any review deadlines.   Selectives should update the lists and work with the withdrawing library for delivery and transfer of materials.   In the event of competing requests, the following priorities should be considered after the Regional has completed their review:

  1. Nebraska Library Commission;
  2. Selective libraries in Nebraska (first come, first served); and finally
  3. Other libraries (first come, first served).

Once the deadline for review has passed, UNL staff will move the list to the "Completed Discards" section of the LibGuide and materials can then be removed (see Disposition below).

List Format

The discard list should contain a separate tab with the following contact information contained within a text box. 

  • Contact Name
  • Library Name
  • Telephone number
  • E-mail Address(can have multiple)
  • Postal Address

Each successive data tab should have a list identifier prominently displayed in a title heading row at the top of the page. 

The discard list should contain the following information contained within separate columns.  If the requested information is not relevant or available, the cell should be left blank. 

  • Requesting Library (to be left blank)
  • Title
  • Classification Type
  • Document Number 
  • Multiple pieces 
  • Multiple pieces note
  • Publication start
  • Publication end
  • Shipping Date
  • Format
  • Postage reimbursement
  • Condition
  • Condition notes
  • OCLC
  • CGP
  • Notes
  • Internal notes

NOTE:  This is the same information as requested for use on the FDLP eXchange.  Complete definitions and information regarding data inputs can be found at:

Materials listed should be arranged in SuDoc classification number order to make checking against shelf lists or shelf holdings easier. Instructions for sorting in this fashion can be found here:

Each tab on a discard sheet should contain no more than 150 lines.  There is no limit to the number of tabs that can be contained within the spreadsheet.

Listed Materials

ALL depository materials must be retained for at least five years by the Selective Library before being included on any list for withdrawal/discard.

Discard lists are for physical materials ONLY.  Online materials do not require submission for withdrawal.

Physical Depository Materials To Be Listed

  • Any material which is listed in the "Core Collection for Academic Libraries" list.
  • Any material which was distributed in a "hard cover" format.
  • Any optical media (CD-ROM, etc.), including support material.
  • Any serial or periodical for which there is a significant consecutive "run," such as 6 months of a monthly periodical, 4 quarterly issues, 3 consecutive annual issues, etc. These do NOT need to be bound volumes.
  • Any materials that have been received prior to January 1, 1970.
  • Any material, regardless of format, which the discarding library deems as "significant" and which may be of interest to other libraries in the State.
  • Any materials that contain information regarding Nebraska, either as a subject or in a geographical context.

Government publications/information NOT received through the Depository program does not need to be listed, unless deemed "significant" or regarding Nebraska, as defined above. 


The following provisions for microfiche reflect the GPO approved methodology for handling discards of microfiche:

  • With the exception of large runs or sets of fiche (such as DOE, hearings, etc.), selectives may discard fiche copies of materials that have been retained for at least five years after receipt, without offering them on discard lists.
  • Libraries discarding large runs or sets must receive permission from the Regional before discarding, with the Regional reserving the right to require Selectives to prepare discard lists for them.
  • The Regional will attempt to obtain copies of missing fiche for their collection in order to maintain as complete a Regional collection as is feasible.




Any materials not requested by the final discard date may be discarded as set forth in the Title 44 and the GPO guidelines. This may only be done after the discard date.

When a Selective has submitted a list and received permission to dispose of the unrequested documents, disposal may be done in any of the following ways:

  1. Submit to the FDLP eXchange -
  2. Offer to public, school or college libraries which might have a use for them;
  3. Place in branches of your library, if appropriate;
  4. Use as display items; put out as "freebies" for patrons to take; use as "handouts" to classes or groups;
  5. Offer to businesses, private companies, or individuals who might have a use for them;
  6. If depository documents are sold as second-hand books or as wastepaper for recycling, the money gained from the sale must be sent to the Superintendent of Documents with a letter of explanation (see Section C of Chapter 4: Maintenance in the Instructions to Depository Libraries Instructions); and/or
  7. They may be thrown away.

Postage is the responsibility of the discarding Selective. The Regional does not reimburse postage.

Contact Us

302 Love Library South
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Lincoln, NE 68588-4100


Linda Novotny
Documents Specialist

Ana Gomez
Documents Associate

Michael Straatmann
Associate Director
Collection Management 

University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries
Hours of Operation | Parking Maps | Employment | Support the Libraries
318 Love Library | 13th & R | Lincoln, NE | (402) 472-9568
 @UNLLibraries |  @unl_libraries