Source: Yale Medical Library,
Author identifiers are unique identifiers that allow authors distinguish themselves from other researchers and to unambiguously associate themselves with their work.
Author ambiguity in the scholarly community is a persistent problem due to:
Differences between ORCID, ResearcherID, and the Scopus Author Identifier are shown below.
ResearcherID | Scopus Author Identifier | ||
What is it? |
Persistent digital identifiers for researchers |
Free alphanumeric author identifier, online community and search system | Automatically generated identifier number within Scopus |
Integrated with... | Open, non-profit community effort that has partnered with multiple universities, commercial research organizations, national agencies, publishers and professional societies | Web of Knowledge | Scopus |
Create your own profile? | Yes | Yes | No, but can request to merge profiles if you have multiple Author Identifiers |
How do I add publications to my profile? |
Import from partner organizations, e.g. Web of Science, Scopus Enter manually |
Search Web of Knowledge, Web of Science or your EndNote Web library Upload RIS file |
You can only request that changes be made to your profile |
Features |
Add external identifiers, e.g. ResearcherID, Scopus Author Identifier Link to other systems or profiles, e.g. Google Scholar, LinkedIn You choose what information to make public |
Provides citation metrics for Web of Knowledge publications Registered and non-registered users can search for and view author profiles Labs tools allow you to view your collaboration and citing article networks You choose what information to make public |
Provides citation metrics
Best used for... |
Managing research activities and author identifiers in one place Grant and manuscript submissions: several publishers and funding organizations have implemented or are planning to implement ORCID |
Organizing and tracking publications Allows others to easily locate your publications in Web of Knowledge databases |
Ensures that your publications are properly attributed in Scopus Allows others to easily locate your publications in Scopus |
Where can I get it? | Register for free at ORCID | Register for free at ResearcherID |
Check profile at Scopus Follow these instructions for requesting corrections to your profile |