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SciPop: Where Science Intersects Pop Culture

A series of talks about science in movies, books, and games.

Raychelle Burks Zombie Apocalypse Survival Chemistry: Death Cologne - Reactions Everyday Chemistry

Chemistry to Survive the Zombie Apocalypse

Publicity Image reading: Mar 5 Chemistry to survive the Zombie Apocalypse Dr. Raychelle Burks Doane College text over a sepia image of zombies walking toward the viewer.



Chemistry to Survive the Zombie Apocalypse

Speaker: Doctor Raychelle Burks

When: 7:00pm March5, 2014

Location: Love Library, Mezzanine Study Room 201 LS

Description: It's just a matter of time before we're over-run by the un-dead.  From the The Walking Dead, we know fighting zombies is dangerous and exhausting work! Guns, swords, crossbows, hand-to-zombie combat... how can we fight smarter, not harder? Chemistry!  Come learn how chemistry can help you survive the zombie apocalypse.

Also check out: Do Zombies Exist? via Scientific American

Lincoln Zombie Walk

Man dressed as a zombieLincoln Zombie Walk

"The Lincoln Zombie Walk began as a simple flash-mob event in which participants dressed up as zombies and walked the streets for the enjoyment of bystanders' reactions. It was an underground event, only advertised through MySpace and Facebook, yet our attendance numbers continued to double each season. It is now in its 5th season. Last year we had over 2000 participants, thanks in large part to our partnership with Pershing Center. This partnership has allowed the Lincoln Zombie Walk to become the Lincoln ZombieFest, a city-wide, 2 day festival hosting vendors, a street party, workshops and, of course, the Lincoln Zombie Walk. With your help we will continue to see the Lincoln Zombie Walk grow."

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