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Mendeley: Tips and Tricks

A quick reference guide to Mendeley

Tips and Tricks

  • If you work on multiple devices, be sure to sync the devices at the beginning and end of each session; this will ensure that all of your citations and files are available on each device that you have connected to your account.
  • Click on relevant keywords and tags in articles on the Mendeley website to see other articles that contain the same keyword or tag. The results of these searches may yield interdisciplinary or recently published works not easily findable in traditional databases.
  • In order to insert citations into a paper, you must have Mendeley Cite installed. Contact Scout Calvert and ask to make this Mendeley Cite available as a Microsoft Word add on if you use the University's version of Word.
  • When creating a bibliography, you must first click and place your cursor over the spot you want the bibliography to appear. The bibliography will be inserted in the last place on the document that you clicked.
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